
Showing posts from March, 2021

Supreme Court: Then v. Now

 Then v. Now "Supreme Court" Circuit Assignments Marbury v. Madison Final Thought

About Me

Grant Hines Owings Mills, Maryland (Baltimore Area) Major: Media Production and Entrepreneurship With this degree I hope to be an executive producer for a live entertainment talk show or a TV executive.  I am currently the Vice President of HPU Vision, which is our on campus broadcast TV club, where we produce a weekly newscast, entertainment talk show, and podcast.  Check it Out!

My Top Five News Sources

Due to the busy demands of my life I don't have time to site down and watch a whole news program or read a lengthy article. I resort to more concise forms of news mostly through social media apps like snapchat and Tik Tok. Occasionally, when i have time, I will watch a network or cable news channel for insight and analysis. On a day to day basis getting my news in concise forms on social media, which I am already on most of the time, is my go-to. Good Luck America GLA on Snap 'Good Luck America' is a daily short show on social media app Snapchat that is hosted by Peter Hamby. Goof Luck America is Snapchat's first original show and only political news show. It was made in an effort to try to appeal politics to young people, and I think that it does a good job of that. It is my go-to for news because it talks about relevant topics, unbiasedly and non-partisan, and Hamby is not afraid to harshly critic politicians or and the media's portrayal of them. Since people in o