My Top Five News Sources

Due to the busy demands of my life I don't have time to site down and watch a whole news program or read a lengthy article. I resort to more concise forms of news mostly through social media apps like snapchat and Tik Tok. Occasionally, when i have time, I will watch a network or cable news channel for insight and analysis. On a day to day basis getting my news in concise forms on social media, which I am already on most of the time, is my go-to.

Good Luck America

'Good Luck America' is a daily short show on social media app Snapchat that is hosted by Peter Hamby. Goof Luck America is Snapchat's first original show and only political news show. It was made in an effort to try to appeal politics to young people, and I think that it does a good job of that. It is my go-to for news because it talks about relevant topics, unbiasedly and non-partisan, and Hamby is not afraid to harshly critic politicians or and the media's portrayal of them. Since people in our generation seem to have shorter tensions spans, it also helps that the show's episodes are not full length, but only around 10 minutes. Anyone who has a tight daily schedule and not enough time to read full articles or long episodes will benefit from this.

Marcus DiPaola (Tik Tok Account)

Marcus DiPaola, even though not an organization, provides accurate, up to-date, and unbiased news for his followers. He is an freelance field producer who has worked for almost every major news mainstream news outlet taking photos and videos. The main reason I like Marcus besides his unbiased reporting is he post on Tik Tok multiple times a day, and when there is a major news event he will give hourly, and sometimes sooner, updates on those events. His account is another that provides short reports (one minute or less) if your in a hurry, and since he has so many followers his videos will most likely show up at the top of your timeline. He also can relate to Millennials and Gen. Z by simplifying and clearing up concepts we don't understand.


Ever since I was a child CNN has been one of my favorite cable news channels. Even though they have fallen into the trap of appeasing to their viewers through bias reporting, they are still on of the most neutral cable channels on the air. They very rarely will willingly report false facts, even in the midst of all of the opinion and analysis. I specifically like the primetime anchors because they give good insight on the days news, and they also report on it before they give their opinion and analysis. They do a really good job especially around election season, which surprisingly is one of their most unbiased times. During election night they don't call races in states simply for the excitement, but they take their time with precise calculations and analysis before they make calls. I would recommend CNN to anyone, bot looking for unbiased straight news, but if you want to hear opinion and analysis, after hearing the facts.


TMZ is one of sources where I don't go to to find news, but rather they alert me of the news. As an aspiring possible entertainment reporter, TMZ is my go-to for all things celebrity/Hollywood news. In recent decades they have been the first ones on the scenes an to report major celebrity deaths such as Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant, and when they do report something, the chance that it is false is extremely rare. They are notorious for being very fast too, for example in Kobe Bryant's case they reported the news of his death before Bryant's family was even notified. The stories on their app and online are also very short because most them are breaking news, so they don't have time to write a full length story, because they want to get it to the public as soon as possible. They also rely on information from the general public, mostly paparazzi and and people who follow celebrities in their daily lives. If your are as interested in celebrity gossip as I am TMZ is a staple for that information.

NBC News                     

The network channel NBC has always been a staple of mine as I watch many prime time and late night shows here. It is also a company I aspire to work for some day. They take a very soft approach to news in that even their hard stories come off as lighthearted. Considering they are one of the "big four" network channels they strive to be neutral when it comes to rating them on the mainstream media  bias chart. They also have programming at all times of the day which includes 'Today' their morning news show and 'NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt' their evening newscast. They are the first and longest running network channel on the air, so if anyone knows news its them. In an attempt to appeal to younger viewers they also a Snapchat show called Stay Tuned hosted by two millennials, and it gives a twice daily rundown of the news. Overall I like NBC because of their balance between hard news and fun and also their evolution over the years.



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