EOTO Com. Tech. - Peer Review


Because of my interest and passion for TV broadcasting and electronic media I wanted to reflect on the EOTO Com. Tech. TV project. I knew a lot about the history of the TV industry before this, but I learned lots of new and interesting stuff from this presentation. What stood out to me most that I didn't know was that RCA actually made television devices and were among the first to do so. This means that in the early days of TV, RCA essentially had a monopoly on the TV industry because not only were they manufacturing tv sets, but they were the primary producers of TV content. One significant achievement that they made was televising the president of the United States for the first time, which set them a part because before that some people had only heard his voice. RCA also owned the NBC blue network which then split off and is now ABC. Through all of these milestones the trend that I saw going on back then still exist today, media monopoly, or aka mainstream media. Even though TV executives probably didn't realize they could make money from catering to a specific audience because they're were only 2-3 channels, depending on the time, everyone virtually was watching the same channels. Instead back then, mainstream media was just one corporation controlling the TV technology and the content that was shown on it. This created a new industry that led to what we know as the mainstream media today. Most people see these industries as a joke especially the ones that aren't news, like entertainment for example, but they are serious industry in terms of money and power. Most people think that the people who work in entertainment don't have serious jobs because they the people who watch TV for entertainment don't take entertainment seriously, yet they don't realize how much passion and hard work goes into entertaining them.


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